• Your back (spine) supports the body and allows us to do activities such as walking, running, lifting, and twisting. It is made up of bone segments called vertebrae. Between the bones of the spine are small discs that are hard on the outside, and soft and jelly-like on the inside. The spinal bones are connected by the facet joints at the back and by the discs at the front.

  • There are some common injuries that can be caused by work and daily activities, including: carpal tunnel syndrome tendinitis and tenosynovitis shoulder impingement, rotator cuff tendinitis, and biceps tendinitis neck and back pain Carpal tunnel syndrome What is it? Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve is compressed at the point where it passes through the carpal tunnel (Figure 1).

  • Problems with the vertebrae, joints, or discs can all cause back disorders, which can cause mild to very severe back pain. Most people will have back problems at some point in their lives. In fact, up to 90% of Canadians aged 20-65 will have back pain. Back problems are usually caused by aging, wear and tear, and poor posture.

  • General information At the onset of back pain, when it is acute, and for the first 4 weeks, you should try to avoid the following activities for any extended period of time. Moderate or limited activity can be appropriate but should be discontinued if it causes pain. activities against resistance (e.

  • Understanding and practicing correct posture is extremely important in preventing musculoskeletal injuries. Remember, you don't want to sit or stand in the same position throughout the day. Posture needs to change frequently. If you have to sit or stand for prolonged periods of time, analyze your workstation or activity and reduce the strain on your body.

  • Holding the human body upright takes energy, and muscles use energy. Our muscles are constantly working and holding us up as we stand, sit, lie, or move. These muscles make many adjustments every second so that our movement and stance is fluid. Have you ever seen a cheetah run on TV? Its whole body moves in perfect coordination and balance without the cheetah having to consciously think about it.

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