• There isn't a medical test to determine if a person has autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Your child's doctor may order tests to rule out health problems or disabilities that have similar symptoms, but otherwise, a diagnosis is made through observation of how a child behaves and communicates, and how he or she is developing compared to other children the same age.

  • Children develop at their own pace. For example, some take longer to utter their first word, acquire new skills, or learn to respect other people's feelings. Eventually, most kids move past these challenges, but for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families, problems with language, behaviour, and social skills are a fact of life.

  • Reactions to grief run the spectrum of human emotion and affect a person in profound and wide-ranging ways.

  • Going through a divorce can be extremely stressful for you and your family. Strong emotions such as sadness, anger, and confusion are quite common following the end of a marriage, especially if you're grappling with financial strains or additional responsibilities around the house. But the end of your marriage shouldn't mean the end of your happiness.

  • Gossip is not just a tacky, time-wasting habit practiced by blabbermouths. We all do it - and we do it all the time. Is gossip good or bad for us?

  • Yuck it up - laughter is good for you! Discover why the benefits of laughing go beyond simply feeling happy.

  • Many school districts now consider children who score in the top 2% to 5% of the population on standardized intelligence tests, intellectually gifted.

  • Are gifted children nerdy? Will a gifted child have problems with social skills? Get to the truth behind a few common myths about gifted children.

  • You may feel you have outgrown play or that it is not worth your time. But play is an essential part of what makes us human and what makes us healthy.

  • Why do we cry? Does shedding a tear or two lift our spirits or make us feel even worse? These and other tearful tales will be told.

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