• You may not think much about urination - until something about the everyday natural process seems amiss. Know the signs that indicate infection or illness.

  • Kidney health can be threatened by diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney stones. Learn more about preventing kidney disease and keeping your kidneys healthy.

  • Dr. Ray Baker shares his wisdom and experience in the field of men's health, specifically the health of the prostate and prostate cancer.

  • You would think I'd feel comfortable writing about sex. After all I'm a middle-aged family doctor, married for over 30 years with grownup kids. But I find this subject a little embarrassing. I can understand why, even though a third of them have sexual problems, my patients seldom ask for help solving them.

  • Have you noticed what seems to be an increase in the number of advertisements for products to manage urinary incontinence lately? Well, if you have, it's not your imagination. The facts are that urinary incontinence is a common condition in Canada, affecting about 10% of the population.

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