• Bedwetting
    Bedwetting can take a toll on the family and your child's self-esteem. Learn why your child wets the bed, how to talk to them, and what treatment to get for your child's condition.

  • Why does your child wet the bed? To put it simply, they can't help it. Your child doesn't wet the bed because they are unhappy at school or looking for more attention at home. They don't wet the bed because they are too lazy to walk to the bathroom during the night or because they are trying to make your life stressful.

  • "Uh-oh! I wet the bed" may be a common thing to hear in households with young children. But at what point do nights of wet sheets become too many, and how can you tell if your child's bedwetting problem is a normal part of growing up or a medical problem they may need some help with?

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