• If used properly and safely, air bags can save lives.

  • Arts and crafts can be a healthy, enriching, stress-reducing way to spend time. But without proper safety precautions, creative pursuits can turn dangerous.

  • Ear piercing is a popular cosmetic custom. Know the risks of infection and the steps required to care for newly pierced ears.

  • Keeping track of your family's allergies - to foods, medicines, animal dander, pollen, etc. - can help to prevent exposure and improve chances of intervention if exposure happens.

  • Follow these guidelines to keep you and your family safe from burns at home.

  • The typical Canadian home is full of toxic substances, which are any chemical or mixture that is harmful to humans, animals, or the environment. We know about a lot of them - we bring them home in the form of household cleaners, detergents, furniture polish, and other products. Others may not be so obvious, such as lead paint used in older homes.

  • Children are more prone to burns because they have thinner skin, which burns more quickly than adult skin. There are many things you can do to safeguard your child from dangers in and around the home.

  • When you smoke around non-smokers, those around you are at high risk from second-hand smoke. Learn more about second-hand smoke and what you can do to make your home and car smoke-free.

  • Children and teens start smoking for many reasons, but the most common is peer influence. It's important for parents and caregivers to talk openly about the risks and concerns with smoking and to keep the dialogue going through the teen years.

  • Find out which plastics are safer for your health and the environment.

  • If you looked inside your medicine cabinet at home, would you find the kinds of supplies you'd need to handle a medical emergency?

  • Second-hand smoke is at least as dangerous as smoking cigarettes directly. Each year in Canada, second-hand smoke is the cause of death for more than 1,000 non-smokers. Find out about the effects of second-hand smoke and how to prevent exposure to it.

  • You may not think much about your bowel movements - until something about the natural process seems amiss. Know the signs that indicate infection or illness.

  • Mould in our homes can pose a health risk. Know how to prevent it, spot it, clean it up, and keep it from coming back.

  • In 2008-9, according to the Youth Smoking Survey, 22% of youth in grades 6 through 9 and 48% in grades 10 to 12 reported having tried a tobacco product at least once. 3% of those in grades 6 through 9 and 13% of those in grades 10 through 12 reported being current smokers. So why are so many kids and teens smoking?

  • Learn more about the causes and symptoms of hyperventilation and what to do if you hyperventilate.

  • Is your breath sending you warning signals about your health? Here are the breath signs and symptoms you should watch for.

  • Are your gums sending you warning signals about your health? Here are the gum signs and symptoms you should watch for.

  • Are your lips sending you warning signals about your health? Here are the lip signs and symptoms you should watch for.

  • Are your teeth sending you warning signals about your health? The tooth signs and symptoms you should watch for.

  • Is your tongue sending you warning signals about your health? Here are the tongue signs and symptoms you should watch for.

  • Your voice is a big part of who you are. Should you be alarmed if you notice that it has changed?

  • Bedbugs are tiny pests whose bites can create a big itch. Find out what attracts them and how to fight them off.

Additional Resources