Patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have difficulty with hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. ADHD was first described as a medical disorder in 1910, but there are descriptions of ADHD even in ancient texts. In 1935 it was described that children who suffered from ADHD showed a robust response to stimulant medication, and since that time stimulant medication has been a cornerstone of treatment.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may present different problems at each stage of life, depending on the demands a person faces. Infants who later go on to have difficulties with ADHD may be described as colicky, insistent, or active. The "terrible twos" are often more difficult and persist for longer.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a clinical diagnosis, meaning that the doctor can only determine if the patient has ADHD by taking a good history, asking about symptoms, learning about the patient's development, family background, and family psychiatric history. The doctor will then integrate all these pieces of information and, using accepted clinical guidelines, provide feedback as to whether or not this person has ADHD.
A full assessment and education about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the beginning of treatment. ADHD causes suffering: psychological hurt, failure, and conflict with others. The understanding that difficulties with attention were at the heart of some of these difficulties may lead to relief.
You've just gotten that hyperactive, high-maintenance kid out from underfoot and back to school and with a sigh of relief you sit down, when the first phone call comes from the school. He's causing even greater problems in the classroom than he did at home. The teacher says it might be ADHD and perhaps you could get him assessed.
I have a bit of a problem with the diagnosis of attention deficit disorder or ADHD. No doubt, this is a serious condition afflicting some children, adolescents, and adults, making their life hell. For this carefully diagnosed group of people, treatment of their ADHD using behavioural therapy with or without medications allows them to participate in school, social, and work activities they might otherwise be denied.
Obese adults who find themselves on the losing side of the battle of the bulge could also be suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) according to a new Canadian study. Researchers at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and the University of Toronto set out to determine whether the condition plays a role in why some obese people have such a hard time sticking to weight loss programs.
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