Crossing the addiction line



Many of us take part in activities that are often associated with addictive or compulsive behaviours – activities such as drinking or gambling. But not all of us are addicted to them. What constitutes addictive behaviour? When do we cross the line?

Addictions come in many forms. Street drugs, prescription medications, alcohol, and inhalants are all common substances of abuse. Gambling, sex, and shopping are often associated with compulsive or problem behaviour.

One of the hallmarks of addictive behaviour is that it interferes with a person's life – to the point where all of their energy and attention is given to that pursuit. This is because certain activities (such as drinking or gambling) stimulate a "reward pathway" in the brain. As a result, the brain wants to continue with this activity, even in the face of negative consequences for the person involved. The desire for the "reward" becomes stronger than the impact of the negative consequences and so the behaviour proceeds. For example, a person with a gambling addiction may continue seeking entry to a casino after having been banned, or may cash in their life savings so that they can continue to gamble.

An addiction can be described as a continuous involvement in a repeated behaviour that creates some kind of negative consequence. This also applies to a person who continues to pursue an activity despite harmful results – for example, a smoker who does not quit despite knowing the health risks they face.

The key characteristics of addiction are two-fold: a loss of control (one's behaviour becomes unpredictable, for example continuing to drink despite having vowed to stop) and a strong sense of denial. Denial about having an addiction is a powerful factor in leading the person to continue with his or her habit, as the belief is strong that there is no real problem and that next time the outcome from the same behaviour will be different.

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Availability and addiction



What leads one person to depend on alcohol and another to shop compulsively?

Factors such as one's environment and one's genetic disposition can play a role. For example, if one's parents are smokers, then exposure to role models who smoke can play a role in establishing this behaviour as acceptable – and this lays the groundwork for taking the first cigarette. Not everyone who smokes becomes addicted – so there is a certain genetic disposition to the amount of "reward" that gets delivered to the brain – but without that first exposure to the substance, the reward pathway cannot be established and the habit does not develop. Of course, not all children of smokers become smokers themselves; some may as a result of their environment decide never to smoke.

The availability of the substance of abuse is also key. While there is no conclusive evidence that supports the gateway theory of drug use (that use of certain drugs such as marijuana or ecstasy is a "gateway" to use of stronger drugs such as cocaine or crystal meth), some drugs may be more widely available than others and therefore are often the first drug that a person might try. And over time, as tolerance to the drug builds up, other types of drugs may then be sought.

Substance availability can play a role in developing a compulsive behaviour or abuse of a substance. Peer involvement is also a factor. What different forms of addiction have in common is the same underlying issue: addictive disease. Thus, although a person may have a natural propensity towards one certain behaviour (e.g., gambling) and may first manifest an addiction in that area, the disease tends to eventually spill over into other activities. In other words, a person with a gambling habit may eventually start abusing prescription drugs or alcohol.

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When addiction hits rock bottom



The term "rock bottom" is often used to describe the point at which a person with an addiction is forced to acknowledge that he or she has a problem – which can lead to their seeking help. But where is rock bottom? And how do people get there?

It's important to consider that "rock bottom" is a subjective term. For one person, losing everything may mean losing a marriage or their home, while for another becoming homeless is not yet the end. And what rock bottom looks like will naturally depend on what someone had as a starting point. It is a common misconception that one needs to arrive at the so-called bottom before reaching for help – often various opportunities occur along the way where the person is open to receiving or asking for help.

Often, the person with the addiction needs to start feeling the pain from the consequences of their actions before he or she can start making changes. The process of feeling the pain is a lengthy one, as the pain often serves as a stimulus to start one's self-defense mechanisms. These protect and maintain one's self-esteem (through the denial that one is an addict), allowing one to rationalize and continue with the behaviour. In many cases, the loss of, or prospect of losing, a relationship or something of similar value can often help the person to recognize that there is a problem. Legal charges or an arrest (e.g., for possession of illegal drugs or driving under the influence) can also contribute to this awareness.

Furthermore, the person typically needs to hear a repeated message (with specific observations) from family and friends that they are seeing a problem. While this information will likely not serve as an immediate stimulus to seek help, the repetition of the overall message can help to counter the "powerful and long-maintained" element of denial.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source:

Overcoming an addiction

Naloxone Addiction


Overcoming an addiction is not easy. But it can be done. Treatment will take on different specifics depending on the particular habit or substance used. Some treatments are short in duration; others may take longer.

There is a difference between "detox" and treatment – detox will clear the substance of use out of one's system, but ongoing treatment is still needed, including seeking group or individual counselling, learning new coping skills, and, if possible, changing one's social environment (e.g., changing friends or moving).

Addiction therapy and counselling is the most common form of treatment for alcohol and other drug use problems. It can be delivered on a one-on-one basis with a therapist or counsellor, or via group therapy formats.

Opioid agonist maintenance treatment, also known as medication-assisted treatment, has been shown to be more effective than detoxification in preventing addiction relapses and overdoses. Opioid maintenance therapy includes the use of methadone (Methadose®) or buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone®), and can be combined with therapy, counselling services and peer support. Nonetheless, replacement therapy with methadone or buprenorphine/naloxone is not a "cure" and, like all treatments for addiction, it requires a commitment from the person involved.

Overdoses can occur in any individual who is taking opioids, regardless of whether they are addicted to them. Key signs of an opioid overdose include slow, shallow breathing; constricted pupils; pale or cold skin; blue fingernails; and becoming unresponsive. Naloxone, a drug available in community settings used to temporarily reverse the effects of opioid overdoses, can be administered as a nasal spray or injection to save a person’s life while they’re waiting for emergency services to arrive.

Although addictions are chronic in nature, they are highly treatable. While the problem behaviour may cease with treatment, the underlying disease of addiction will remain and, as part of it, so can the denial around having the disease. Thus, it is important for individuals who are dealing with addictions to work with their health care provider to develop a continuing care plan. The situation can be likened to that of a person with diabetes: while the condition may be brought under control with ongoing treatment, the disease does not go away and the person must actively maintain their recovery.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source:

Where to find help in dealing with an addiction



Help is out there. Knowing where to find it when you need it makes a difference.

The following is a small sample of available services. For further resources, refer to the Community Support or Support Groups section of this website. Or search online for services in your region – or consult your doctor, pharmacist, teacher, or guidance counsellor. The blue pages and the yellow pages of your phone book also provide information on finding help.

  • Addictions Foundation of Manitoba:
  • Alcoholics Anonymous:
  • Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse:
  • Centre for Addiction and Mental Health:
  • ConnexOntario:
  • Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868,
  • Klinic Community Health Centre:

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: