Enjoying an active life outside

Minor Ailments


Being prepared is the key to effective allergy control. If you have seasonal allergies, commonly known as hay fever, ask your pharmacist or doctor if you should take an allergy medication before the peak season hits. Some people may find it useful to take an allergy medication only on the days they know they will be outdoors – for example, before a morning trimming the roses in the garden, an afternoon hiking in the mountains, or an evening playing golf.

Another way to be prepared is to arm yourself with knowledge. Before venturing outside, check the pollen count for the day. As a rule of thumb, pollen counts are highest early in the morning – between 5 am and 10 am. Pollen counts are usually lower in the afternoon and after a heavy rain. Different areas of Canada also have different pollen counts; make sure you check your local forecast.

If you're a gardener, know your flowers. Some flowers rely on insects to carry pollen from one plant to another, while other flowers spread their pollen in the wind, causing more pollen to be released into the air and making allergy symptoms worse. If you have allergies, it may be wise to landscape your garden with flowers and plants that spread their pollen by insects rather than wind. And don't forget about the lawn: if possible, delegate the task of cutting the lawn. Some grasses are more likely to cause allergy symptoms. These include Bermuda, Kentucky bluegrass, and rye.

Practical tips to reduce allergy symptoms for gardeners include the following:

  • Wear gloves and a mask when you are working in the garden and don't go out if it's a windy day. Try not to touch your face or nose.
  • Take a shower and wash your clothes when you go back indoors. This gets rid of excess pollen.

Hikers should consider visiting their doctors to pinpoint what causes their allergies, as this can give them a better idea of when and where to venture out. The results of skin testing can tell people the exact type of tree, grass, ragweed, or mold to which they are allergic so that they can pick a hiking area that is free of these substances. If possible, hikers should choose hiking paths and campsites that are above the tree line to minimize their pollen exposure. Remember that rocky trails are sure to have less pollen than heavily forested trails.

Golfers can also take steps to minimize their allergy symptoms. Call your golf club the day ahead to find out if they will be grooming the lawn. Grass-cutting and lawn maintenance can result in a high pollen count. Try and schedule your golf day in cool weather that isn't windy.

For some people, medications and avoidance techniques don't work. They may need to take medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, or corticosteroid nose sprays or, if those don't work, talk to your doctor to see if allergy shots might help. Allergy shots are a long-term commitment with the eventual goal of desensitizing people to the substances to which they are allergic. If you are having difficulty controlling your allergy symptoms, consider seeing your doctor.

Always talk to your doctor or pharmacist before starting any new medication.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/Allergies-and-the-Great-Outdoors

Pack your bags and your allergy medications

Travel Minor Ailments


Allergies are the last thing most people think about during their vacations. But forgetting the basics could result in a trip filled with allergy symptoms rather than good memories.

Do some research before you leave home. Make sure your destination is not populated with the specific type of plants to which you are allergic. If you are going to a place where there are a lot of allergy-inducing plants, talk to your pharmacist or doctor to see if you should take some preventative medication.

Always take your allergy medication with you when travelling. That way, relief will always be close at hand and you will not have to suffer if your allergy medication is not available at your destination. Keep in mind that dust mites and airborne pollens are more common in tropical climates. If possible, try to avoid travelling during peak pollen season for the region that you will be visiting.

Getting to your travel destination can also be a challenge. The air quality in airplanes can be a nuisance for allergy sufferers. Smoking is banned on all Canadian flights, so you can breathe easier, but airplanes air tends to be dry and can cause irritation. Put your allergy medication in your carry-on bags in case you need it during the flight – or in case your checked luggage goes missing.

If you are travelling by car and your car is slightly dusty, open the windows and put on the air conditioning for about 10 minutes before departing on a lengthy journey. Once you're on the go, close your windows and use the air conditioning. Travel in the morning when car pollution levels are at their lowest.

Once you get to your destination, be aware that dust mites and irritants of all kinds can be hidden in bed sheets and in dusty upholstery. If you're worried about the dust mites in your room, bring your own sheets. Ask your host or hotel personnel if an allergy-free room is available.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/Allergies-and-the-Great-Outdoors

Little bites, big pains

Minor Ailments


Insect bites are an important threat for allergy sufferers in the outdoors. Protect yourself from bugs and bites and the allergic reactions they may cause:

  • Stay away from standing water (i.e., water that is not moving), e.g., swamps and birdbaths.
  • Avoid wearing dark-coloured clothing.
  • Avoid wearing perfume.
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
  • Use an insect repellant approved by Health Canada.

When choosing an insect repellent, choose a product that is best suited to you, has a Pest Control Product (PCP) registration number, and is labeled as an insect repellent for human use. Most insect repellents provide prevention against bites from black flies, mosquitoes, and ticks, but don't ward off stinging insects such as hornets, bees, or wasps.

There are several insect repellents available in Canada, but products containing DEET are the best-known. A lotion or spray containing 20-30% DEET is effective for adults. Children aged 6 months and older may use DEET, but it is important to use the correct concentration and to follow the instructions and safety precautions on the label. Do not apply DEET over sunburns, as it may cause a rash; do not apply it on cuts, and do not spray it near the eyes or mouth. Also, DEET lotion or spray may reduce the effectiveness of the sun protection of sunscreen. To avoid this interaction, do not use products that combine DEET with sunscreen, and when using both sunscreen and DEET, allow the sunscreen to absorb into the skin first before applying DEET.

Once bitten, ask your pharmacist how you can relieve the itch.

If a bee, hornet, or wasp stings you, remove the stinger with a fingernail if it's still there – often the insect removes the stinger. It is estimated that less than 1% to 2% of Canadians have serious allergies to insects like bees, hornets, and wasps. However, allergic reactions to stings are potentially life-threatening emergencies that require immediate medical attention. People with an identified serious allergy should wear a MedicAlert® bracelet and carry an epinephrine autoinjector (e.g., EpiPen®), which is an injection device that helps relieve the symptoms of a serious allergic reaction (e.g., difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, swelling).

Ticks, known to carry the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, are another consideration if you spend a lot of time outdoors. Of the three kinds of ticks capable of transmitting Lyme disease, two may be found in Canada. The black-legged tick, also known as the deer tick, can be found around Lake Erie in southern Ontario. The western black-legged tick can be found on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands and around the Fraser Delta in British Columbia.

Some signs and symptoms of Lyme disease can take months to appear. The first and most common symptom is a migrating rash in a bull's-eye pattern that starts to appear a few days to one month after a tick bite. The best prevention, other than protective clothing tucked in tightly and wearing DEET repellent, is carefully checking exposed areas of your skin on a regular basis. Ask your doctor or pharmacist how to best remove ticks, and whether you need to take medications.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/Allergies-and-the-Great-Outdoors

Leaves of three aren't itch-free!

Minor Ailments


While most people associate allergies with sniffling noses and watery eyes, another kind of allergy is the poison ivy reaction. This type of allergy is known as contact dermatitis.

Poison ivy is a plant with green glossy leaves, found in clusters of three. The shapes of these leaves can vary. Although a person's first contact with poison ivy may not cause many symptoms, 85% of individuals will develop an itchy skin reaction after several exposures. People often do not react immediately to poison ivy, and it may take 12 to 40 hours until the skin becomes red, itchy, and bumpy, eventually blistering.

The oily resin from the poison ivy plant, called urushiol, causes the itchiness associated with this allergic reaction. If you get the resin on you, wash it off immediately, as other areas that come in contact with the oil can also develop a reaction. Use soap and cold water to thoroughly rinse all exposed areas – including under your nails. Cold damp compresses soaked in aluminum acetate solution (Burow's solution), calamine lotion, and topical corticosteroids can help relieve the itch. If these treatments don't help, if large areas of the body are affected, or if you develop lots of blisters, contact your doctor.

Constant scratching won't spread the rash, as it only spreads through contact with the urushiol oil of poison ivy itself. Nor does breaking a blister cause spreading – but it may lead to a secondary infection. If the red, itchy rash spreads to your face or genitals or if you develop a fever, consult your doctor.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/Allergies-and-the-Great-Outdoors