Avoiding eye injury


The world can be a harsh place for your eyes. There are many work or recreational activities that may increase your risk of eye injury and strain, including some that may seem surprising. By being aware of the possible risks, you can protect yourself from eye damage and strain.

Certain work situations, including handling hazardous chemicals, using power tools, and being exposed to flying particles, have a high risk of eye damage. In these situations, it is important to follow your workplace safety measures, wear proper eye protection (this will vary according to the work situation), and know the location of the nearest eyewash or first aid station.

In some jobs, the risks are unexpected. If you work with computers or smartphones for more than an hour each day, you are at a high risk of eyestrain. This can lead to headaches, blurred vision, and difficulty working. Try to take a break from computer use for 15 minutes during each 2-hour period, or for ten minutes per hour during intensive work. Check your screen to make sure there is no glare (from a window or lamp) on the screen. Usually, the screen should be 10 to 20 degrees below your eye level. Your optometrist can recommend a set-up for your screen and work station that would be best for you. The Canadian Association of Optometrists also recommends that you get an eye exam every 1 to 2 years.

The sports and leisure activities you enjoy may put you at higher risk for eye injuries. Most sports have some risk for eye injury. Those with the highest risk are contact sports, racquet sports, and sports involving a ball or puck. Before starting a new sport, find out what kind of eye protection is recommended, and always wear it. You should be able to find this information from sports-governing bodies, coaches, or sports stores. If you enjoy outdoor sports or activities, make sure your eyes are protected from ultraviolet (UV) light with a pair of sunglasses or goggles certified to block UVA and UVB light.

Contact lenses can also be a source of eye injuries or infection. Using dirty or damaged lenses can lead to eye infection, scratches on the cornea (eye surface), or other eye problems. To reduce your risk, always clean and store your lenses as recommended by your optometrist or eye doctor. Do not share lenses or solutions, and throw away your solutions when they reach their expiry date. Don't use your lenses for longer than recommended (i.e., if you have daily disposable lenses, don't use more than once). If you think you might have eye damage or an infection, or if anything else worries you, stop using the lenses and check with your optometrist. It is a good idea to have a pair of glasses on hand in case you need to take the lenses out.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/Eye-Health




Over 3 million Canadians have diabetes. It is the leading cause of blindness in North Americans under 65 years of age. Diabetes is a condition where the body produces little to no insulin (type 1 diabetes) or cannot respond properly to insulin or make enough of it (type 2 diabetes). Insulin is important because it moves glucose, a simple sugar, into the body's cells from the blood. Glucose, which is used by the cells as a source of energy, comes from the food people eat. If insulin isn't available or doesn't work correctly to move glucose from the blood into cells, glucose will stay in the blood, leading to high blood sugar levels.

High blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels, including the tiny blood vessels in the eye. This leads to an eye disease known as diabetic retinopathy. The retina is an area at the back of the eye that changes light into nerve signals. With diabetic retinopathy, some blood vessels in the retina are lost, and some of the other blood vessels begin to "leak" blood. This causes the retina to swell, and gradually cuts off its supply of oxygen and nutrients. Eventually, the retina starts to grow new blood vessels to replace the damaged ones. Unfortunately, these new vessels are not as strong as the old ones and are more likely to break, causing bleeding in the eye.

At first, people with diabetic retinopathy will not notice any symptoms. As the disease gets worse, they may notice blurred vision, black spots or flashing lights. Eventually, it can progress to blindness. Everyone with diabetes is at risk for diabetic retinopathy, and the risk increases the longer you've had diabetes.

Fortunately, you can reduce your risk. If you do not have diabetes, but think you may be at risk for this condition, visit your doctor to be screened for diabetes. If you do have diabetes:

  • Have frequent eye check-ups:
    • People with type 1 diabetes who are 15 years of age and older should have an eye check-up every year, starting 5 years after they are diagnosed with diabetes.
    • People with type 2 diabetes should have an eye check-up every 1 to 2 years, starting as soon as they are diagnosed.
    • Pregnant women with diabetes are especially at risk. They should have an eye check-up while they are planning a pregnancy, during the first trimester, as needed during pregnancy, and within the first year after the baby is born.
  • Make sure you monitor your blood sugar frequently and use your medications as recommended by your doctor. There is evidence that keeping your blood sugar under tight control can slow down eye damage.
  • If you have high blood pressure, follow your recommended diet and medications to keep it under control. If you are not sure whether you have high blood pressure, or whether your blood pressure is under control, discuss this with your doctor.
If you begin to develop diabetic retinopathy, there are treatments that can slow down the damage, although they do not cure the condition. Laser surgery is used to seal "leaky" blood vessels in the eye and prevent new ones from forming. Vitrectomy is used for people who have a lot of bleeding in the eye. The cloudy eye fluid is replaced by a salt solution to improve the sight.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/Eye-Health



Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in North America. In glaucoma, the optic nerve (the nerve carrying information from the eye to the brain) is damaged by a build-up of fluid in the eyeball. There are two types of glaucoma, called open-angle glaucoma and closed-angle glaucoma.

The front of the eye is filled with a clear liquid that supplies the eye with oxygen and nutrients and keeps it inflated. A gland behind the upper eyelid produces a steady supply of this liquid, and it normally drains out through a mesh of tiny holes behind the lower eyelid. In glaucoma, the liquid is produced normally, but it cannot drain out of the eye. This causes pressure to build up in the eye, pressing on the optic nerve. The nerve cells slowly lose their blood supply, eventually dying. The outer nerves fail first, so vision loss tends to start at the edges, progressing to "tunnel vision" and blindness. Many people don't notice this at first, and there's usually no pain, so glaucoma is often quite advanced before it's detected. The only exception is a severe acute form of angle closure glaucoma, which is characterized by nausea, vomiting, a dull pain around the eye, and decreased vision.

The good news is that with early treatment, vision loss can be minimized or prevented. Because glaucoma isn't obvious, it's vital to get your eyes checked regularly, especially if you have any of these risk factors:

  • family history of glaucoma
  • African descent
  • advancing age
  • nearsightedness
  • previous eye injury
  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes
  • long-term use of prednisone, cortisone, or other steroids

Adults should have their eyes checked every one to two years up to the age of 65, and every year after that. But if you have any of these risk factors, you should go as often as your eye care professional recommends. At the check-up, the optometrist will measure the pressure in your eye, look at the optic nerve for signs of damage, and check your peripheral vision. If glaucoma is suspected, you will probably be referred to an ophthalmologist (a physician specializing in eye disorders) for treatment. Glaucoma is usually treated with eye drops that lower the pressure in the eye. In some cases, surgery may be needed.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/Eye-Health

Taking the eye exam


Did you know that it's important to have regular eye exams, even when your vision seems to be fine? Regular check-ups can detect "silent" conditions that could lead to blindness (such as glaucoma) so that they can be treated early. Children who are having trouble learning or reading at school may have a vision problem that can be found with a check-up and corrected. Regular check-ups also help you keep up-to-date on the latest information about eye care.

The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends the following schedule for eye exams:

  • Infants and toddlers (birth to 24 months) - First eye exam between the ages of 6 and 9 months
  • Preschool (2 to 5 years) - At least one exam between the ages of 2 and 5 years
  • School age (6 to 19 years) - Every year
  • Adult (20 to 39 years) - Every two to three years
  • Adult (40 to 64 years) -  Every two years
  • Older adult (65 years and older) - Every year

People who may be at higher risk of vision problems may need to have more frequent eye exams. In addition to regular eye exams, you should also have an eye exam if you have any concerns about your vision, or if you injure your eyes in any way. You might need a check-up if:

  • you have trouble reading small print or doing close work such as sewing or crafts
  • you need to hold newspapers and books further away in order to read them
  • you get headaches or tired, burning eyes after reading or working on a computer
  • you have difficulty seeing at night or seeing street signs while driving
  • your eyes are irritated, dry, red, or sensitive
  • you see spots, flashes of light, or floaters
  • you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes
  • you are in school and are having trouble reading or learning
  • you have started handling chemicals, using power tools, or engaging in sports that may be hazardous to your eyes

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/Eye-Health