How to be a fit flyer



Don't be caught high and dry. The air in the cabin of planes can be very dry, and this should worry you for two reasons. One, the air dries out the skin. Flight regulations may prohibit carrying lotions, so protect your skin by applying moisturizer before you board. You may be able to bring some nasal saline moisturizer to use if your nose gets irritated. And two, the dry air causes dehydration. Drink plenty of fluids throughout your flight, opting for water or low-sugar juices over dehydrating caffeine and alcohol.

Don't rely on the snack cart. You're not even assured a snack on many flights these days, let alone a healthy meal. Hunger can hit at any time, so pack your own healthy snacks. Squirrel away a pouch of handy treats, such as nuts, plain popcorn, pumpkin seeds, or dried fruit. When – or if – that heavy cart does finally lumber down the aisle, opt for more wholesome food and beverage choices. Peanuts are better than most "snack mixes," which are usually packed with sodium.

Feel free to move about the cabin. Being cooped up in a seated position for too long can lead to aches, pains, and muscle cramping. One serious risk of prolonged immobility is deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a blood clot that forms deep inside the body, usually in the leg. The risk is very small unless you have a risk factor for DVT (such as if you have had a previous DVT or if you are pregnant). Before boarding, consider seeing your doctor to see if you have risk factors for DVT. During the flight, take advantage of opportunities to stand up, stretch, and walk the aisles a bit. Simple seat-bound stretches help, too. Avoid crossing your legs – a prim crisscross may constrict blood flow. And wear comfy shoes, as the altitude can make your feet swell.

Keep your head out of the clouds. Motion sickness originates in your head, thanks to a little sensory message conflict – your eyes can't see the plane moving, but your inner ear and muscles sense it. Keeping the eyes closed or sitting in an aisle seat on the wing section may alleviate some of the discomfort and dizziness of motion sickness. Over-the-counter medications are also available to prevent symptoms in the first place. Another "heady" sensation you may feel while flying is popping or fullness of the ears. This is caused by the change in pressure as the plane ascends and descends. For relief, chew on gum or candy, or try yawning or swallowing.

Sleep in the sky. Even with your seat tilted back to the max, it can still be tough to catch a nap on an airplane. If sleep is a priority and a full-fold seat is an option, go for it. If you're wedged in a coach-class seat, you may be able to make do with a few sleep accessories. An eye mask can grant you darkness, and earplugs or noise cancelling headphones should shut out most of the cabin noise. Or you can queue up a mellow playlist on your smartphone to lull you into slumber. Some people choose to bring their own pillows for comfort and to avoid exposure to germs from previous users. Obviously, you should pass on caffeine or other stimulants. And if you're thinking of taking some medications to help you fall asleep, do so with caution and check with a health care professional beforehand.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source:

How to have a healthy hotel stay



Depending on the nature of your vacation, a hotel can be a home-away-from-home or simply a haven at the end of the highway. Hopeful travellers trust that hotels are safe stopovers, but are there hazards hidden behind those locked doors?

Don't let the bedbugs bite. At the end of a long, activity-filled day, weary travellers look forward to falling into a comfy bed. Unfortunately, hotel beds can harbour bacteria, dust mites, and bedbugs, among other things. Reputable hotels should launder or dry clean the sheets between visitors, but who knows how often bedspreads are cleaned. Pull back the top cover of the bed before lying down, and do a quick scan for dark spots, which is a sign of bedbugs. Consider bringing along your own pillows and sheets – especially if you experience allergies. Keep your luggage closed in case any active bedbugs try to hitchhike out of the hotel on your clothes.

Be cautious about contact. Not to encourage total germ-a-phobia, but the bed isn't the only place in a hotel room that's a bacteria magnet. Some people carry disinfectant wipes or sprays for handling the telephone and the remote control, since both can conceal microbial reminders of former guests. Undercover investigations have also revealed that hotel room drinking glasses may get sprayed with industrial cleansers or else go completely unwashed. Either bring your own drinks or cups, or use the one-off plastic-wrapped cups provided. As with the bed, the bathroom should also be approached with care. Pretend you're at the public showers of the gym – wear flip-flops!

Make it feel like home. Especially if you're on an extended stay away from home, it's nice to bring a little bit of home along with you. Browsing photos on your smartphone or tablet, or reading a familiar book may soothe homesickness. Refresh stale hotel room air with a scented travel candle or an essential oil burner filled with germ-fighting eucalyptus or uplifting lemongrass oil.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source:

Work out wherever you are

Travel Diet and Fitness


A vacation offers you an escape from work worries, school stresses, or whatever else that usually bogs you down in the day-to-day. But when you flee your routine, you don't want to totally abandon your good fitness intentions, do you? A few of you may have answered a resounding "Yes!" to that question. For the rest of you, pack these travel tips in your carry-on.

  • Check to see if your hotel has a workout room.
  • If you have a bike rack, bring an extra set of wheels – rest stops sometimes connect to short trails you can explore.
  • Search online for nearby yoga studios or drop-in gym deals.
  • Ditch the tour bus and travel the sightseeing route on foot – wear a fitness tracker as you walk and you'll be surprised by how much exercise you've fit in between destinations.
  • Take a nature hike.
  • Go for a run in a new place – look around online for running maps.
  • Pack easy-to-carry athletic gear, like your yoga mat, running gear, or a jump-rope.
  • Don't forget about the pool – swimming is a great workout!

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source:

What to pack in your travel wellness stash

Medication Management Travel


Here's what you need to bring to stay well while you're on the go!

What to pack in your travel wellness stash:  

Your prescription medications. Stow these in your carry-on luggage, in case of delays or lost luggage.

Just-in-case medications. Pack for any likely travel ailments, such as motion sickness, indigestion, allergies, or aches and pains. Outdoor trip? Don't forget the insect repellent.

The first aid essentials. Depending on the nature of your travels, this could mean a handful of bandages or a full-on emergency response kit.

Sun protection. No matter what the season, the sun's there, making its presence felt through UV radiation. Bring sunscreen, protective clothing, and sunglasses to protect your eyes. In case of sunburn, you may want to bring along some aloe vera gel or after-suncream.

Your contacts and/or glasses. Be sure to carry extra contacts and store your glasses in a protective case to prevent breaking. Remember to pack eye drops or saline solution if necessary.

Tooth care basics. A toothbrush and toothpaste are probably two of the most likely things for a traveler to forget. Keep your toothbrush covered and dry.

Mental health helpers. Carry along some mellow mementos from home to keep you balanced as you travel. Think photos on your smartphone or tablet, a soothing song playlist, or candles for your hotel room.

Good sleep kit. Sleeping in new places – or on noisy airplanes – can be a challenge. Take along earplugs, eye mask, and your own blanket to help you get the shuteye you need for your adventures.

A snack stash. Food on the road is not always the healthiest fare. Pack a few easy-to-tote healthy treats for hungry moments. Great snacks include almonds, granola, trail mix, or dried fruit.

Portable fitness gear. In case you decide to go for a run, take a hike, or try out the local yoga studio at your destination, you'll need the right gear.

Antibacterial wipes. These come in handy while on the road, on a hike, or in dingy hotel rooms.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: