A well-turned-out jack-o'-lantern can light up a doorway or windowsill and beckon to roving trick-or-treaters. But pumpkin carving is not child's play. To get that sinister grin requires a good, sharp knife and a steady hand.
- Keep children out of the way of the cutting tasks. Adults only! Have your child draw the face they'd like onto a sheet of paper for you to carve.
- Carve pumpkins on a stable, flat surface, with good lighting.
- Once you have the top of your pumpkin opened up, invite kids over to scoop out the goopy pumpkin guts with their hands. It's a fun, sticky job that kids love.
- Save the seeds for roasting. They're full of iron and protein and make a healthy pre-trick-or-treat snack.
- Snuff out candles. Foot traffic around a porch pumpkin can be a fire hazard. Glow-sticks or a battery-powered LED light or electric candle may not have the traditional flicker of a candle, but they're safer. If you do choose to light your pumpkin with a candle, keep it away from curtains and other flammable objects, and never leave a candle unattended.
- Keep your pets away from any of your Halloween decorations and trick-or-treaters, as pets can become over-excited, and possibly knock something over or hurt someone they do not recognize coming to their door.
All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/Halloween-Health-and-Safety
As Halloween nears, kids' talk turns to costumes. "What are you gonna be?" "I can't tell you what I'm gonna be!" Let them have their flights of fun and fancy, imagining or designing their own visionary get-ups. It's the parents' job to make sure the coveted costumes meet the following safety standards:
- Costumes should fit well and be non-flammable. Long, draping fabric can be a tripping hazard, and too-tight disguises constrict movement. Mark the inside of your child's costume with their name and phone number in case you get separated on Halloween night.
- Keep the weather in mind, as children may need to dress in layers to keep warm on a chilly night.
- Give masks a miss. They can restrict a child's vision and are tough on those with latex allergies.
- If a costume calls for makeup, test it out first by applying a small amount to a patch of skin on your child's arm a couple of days before the Big Day. Watch for any symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as redness, swelling of the area, or raised bumps, before applying to the face, and always be especially cautious when putting on makeup near the eyes. The same cautions apply to the use of glue for applying false beards or other accessories to the skin.
- Speaking of accessories, any play swords, daggers, brooms, or other ghastly costume add-ons should be made of a safe, flexible, non-poking material.
- Be sure your child's costume is easily visible. A trick-or-treater dressed all in black or other dark colours would not be easily seen by cars. Have them accessorize with a glow-in-the-dark or brightly coloured candy pail, or add some reflective tape somewhere on their costume. Carrying a flashlight or glow-stick would also alert oncoming traffic to their presence.
All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/Halloween-Health-and-Safety
Everyone's been looking forward to this night - from the most wee of trick-or-treaters to those teens who are probably getting a little too old for this. Safe trick-or-treating means different things depending on the size of your young princess or pirate, so keep in mind these age-appropriate guidelines.
- Tiniest trick-or-treaters and grade school goblins: Some parents take their kids out for Halloween as soon as the tot can utter the words "Trick or treat." Toddlers should of course stay as close to mom or dad as possible, but you can put a bit of an independent distance between yourself and your school-age children. As long as they're walking with a buddy or a group, you can watch them from the curb or the corner of the street.
- Tweens and teens: At this age, consider letting your child go out with buddies. This doesn't mean you're letting them go completely. Outfit them with a flashlight (put in new batteries), a smartphone or smartwatch, and any emergency contact information they might need. Set a curfew and roaming boundaries, and remind them of all the important safety rules they learned when they were younger: walk instead of run, look both ways before crossing the street, stay on sidewalks, do not cross between parked cars, and don't go into strangers' homes.
- Ageless Hallow-wisdom: Make your child visible in the dark of night with a flashlight or reflective tape added to their costume. And no matter what their age, remind your children to save their treats until they return home. Though the incidence of candy contamination is low, you may need to scan candy if your child has a specific food allergy or to weed out the sticky taffy candy that can yank teeth right out of their sockets.
- Another important reminder for young trick-or-treaters: Go only to well-lit houses, and remain outside the door - never go inside, even if invited. Also, never go into a stranger’s car, even with promises of candy.
All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/Halloween-Health-and-Safety
What do you do if your child comes home from trick-or-treating lugging their loot bag on the ground behind them? Take it as a bad sign of bellyaches and sugar rushes to come? Avoid sweets insanity with these post-trick-or-treat steps.
- It's scan-dy time! Spread a blanket on the floor and have your child lay out all of the candy they received. Do a quick scan and sort of the types, and have your child count up the total tally (or count with them if they're too young). This is a parent's chance to inspect for any bits that might be dangers or allergy triggers.
- Decide on a few treats for right then on Halloween night. Give your child some time to guiltlessly savour the flavours of the treats they've gathered.
- Remind your child to brush and floss well before heading off to bed and dreams of lollipops, candy corns, and chocolate bars to come.
- The next day, set limits for how much candy can be eaten each day. Include your child in this choice, negotiating together for a sensible daily limit. Withholding treats will only make your child want them more, and learning to make smart choices about food and nutrition can be empowering.
- Set aside a portion of your child's candy as a family treat stash or donate a portion to a charity or local church. This way, you whittle down the candy supply while reinforcing the habit of sharing.
- Throw out treats that are not wrapped or that have loose packaging or holes in the wrappers.
- Check toys for small parts and do not let children under 3 years of age play with them, as they pose a potential choking risk.
All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/Halloween-Health-and-Safety