Do you have vaginal dryness?

Sexual Wellness


The physical signs of menopause begin years before your final menstrual period. Changes can start as early as your 30s or 40s. The transition between the beginning of these signs and your final period is known as "perimenopause" and it is set into motion by changing levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Hot flashes (a sudden sensation of heat in the body) and night sweats are some of the first signs.

Some women begin to experience symptoms of vaginal dryness, which is a signal that falling estrogen levels have caused a condition called vaginal atrophy. As estrogen levels fall, the tissue lining the vagina becomes thinner and loses moisture and elasticity. You may feel itching or burning during urination, you may experience a slight discharge, and sexual intercourse and vaginal exams may cause discomfort or pain. Changes to natural protection mechanisms in this area make you more susceptible to bladder and vaginal infections. Your menstrual cycles may change to be longer or shorter, with heavier or lighter bleeding, respectively.

The good news is that there are several treatments to relieve this discomfort, including tablets, rings and creams, which deliver a small amount of estrogen directly to the affected area.

There are helpful non-medicinal therapies you can try, too, such as water-based vaginal lubricants and moisturizers, which are available over the counter at any drug store. (Do not use petroleum jelly as it increases chances of infection.) Other things that can help include special exercises known as Kegels, extended foreplay, and having intercourse regularly, which improves lubrication and blood flow to the genitals.

It may take time to find the right options - be patient. And remember, you needn't try to resolve this problem on your own! Your doctor can help you decide which treatment is right for you. Let her know what symptoms are bothering you, and what therapies you have already tried. (She may do an exam and tests to rule out any other health issues.) She will go over your medical history and she'll discuss the benefits and potential side effects of each therapy with you.

When talking about vaginal health, you may feel awkward and embarrassed at first, but keep in mind that open, honest communication will allow your doctor to understand your needs and make the best recommendations

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You and your partner during menopause

Sexual Wellness


A woman's transition to menopause involves more than physical changes. While you may feel discomfort and, in the case of vaginal dryness, even pain, there are other ways that menopause can affect your well-being. Changes in sleep patterns, mood, memory, and concentration can affect your daily life and take a toll on your relationships with others.

As you experience physical and emotional differences, your feelings about sexual intimacy might also be affected. You might feel less interested in sex or your sexual response could change, especially if you are experiencing vaginal dryness. Modest weight gain, especially around the waist, is also common among women of perimenopausal age, and that may make you feel less attractive or sexy.

It's important to keep in mind that the end of menstruation doesn't mean the end of sexuality! Sex can be rich and fulfilling well into your senior years. During perimenopause, however, your feelings and physical changes could affect your relationship with your partner, who may not understand or be aware of what you're experiencing, or may worry that they will hurt you during intercourse.

To maintain a healthy sex life and avoid any misunderstandings, it's worthwhile to initiate a discussion with your partner about your feelings and menopause-related symptoms and how they might affect your sex life. Good communication is essential. You (and your partner) may feel embarrassed or awkward at first, but together, you can find solutions; for example, longer foreplay or using a treatment for with vaginal dryness, talking about medical therapies, and exploring new ways to be intimate and feel close to each other, such as sensual massage. Regular intercourse can also help your body feel more comfortable.

If you have a new partner, practise safe sex - contracting a sexually transmitted disease is still a concern. You should also use birth control. Even though fertility is lower during perimenopause, you could still become pregnant, unless you haven't had a period in 12 months.

If you have an open mind and communicate clearly and regularly with your partner, you can keep intimacy passionate and fulfilling. You can also speak to your doctor about what you can do to help get your sex life back on track. Again, be honest and tell your doctor your concerns so that they can help you make the best choices.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2024. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: