Frequent yeast infections? Why me?
Minor Ailments
About 5% of women suffer from recurrent yeast infections (more than 4 infections in the last year, or at least 3 infections in the last year that are unrelated to antibiotic use). It can be frustrating and uncomfortable. Why do frequent yeast infections happen? Here are some of the more common reasons.
Have you recently been taking a medication? Frequent antibiotic use can kill healthy bacteria in the vagina and allow yeast to flourish, leading to frequent yeast infections. Medications that suppress the immune system (such as cancer and transplant medications) can make it harder for the body to fight off yeast infections, resulting in more frequent infections.
What do you use for birth control? Spermicides - the gels, foams and creams that are used with diaphragms and condoms - can kill healthy bacteria and make it easier for yeast to grow and spread in the vagina. Birth control pills containing estrogen, especially high-dose pills, can also make it easier for yeast to grow in the vagina.
Is your immune system weakened? A weak immune system makes it harder for the body to fight infections, including yeast infections.
Is sugar a problem for you? If you have diabetes, frequent yeast infections may be a sign that your condition is not well controlled and your blood sugars are too high. It has been suggested that a diet that is too high in sugar might contribute to frequent yeast infections, but medical studies have not been able to prove this.
Are your clothes to blame? Tight-fitting clothes, particularly synthetic materials, can lead to increased moisture and heat in the vaginal area, which can make it easier for yeast to grow. Choosing natural materials like cotton allows the area to remain cooler and drier.
Are you having frequent sex? Frequent sexual activity may also irritate the vaginal area and increase the risk of developing yeast infections. It is not clear whether yeast infections may be sexually transmitted. Approximately half of all women who experience recurrent yeast infections have a sexual partner who is also infected. But so far no studies have shown that treating a woman's sexual partner helps prevent recurrent yeast infections.
Are you using the wrong treatment? Sometimes frequent infections occur because the treatment selected is not effective against the type of yeast causing the infection. Although Candida albicans is the most common type of yeast causing yeast infections, harder-to-treat types of yeast, such as Candida glabrata, can also infect the vagina and are more common with recurrent infections. Resistance, where the yeast changes its genetic makeup so it is harder to treat, is another cause of frequent yeast infections.
Other things that make your infection more likely to come back include forgetting to use the treatment according to directions, missing doses, or stopping before the medication has all been used.
If you are suffering from frequent yeast infections, see your doctor before treating them yourself. Your doctor can help you find out why you are having frequent infections and suggest an effective treatment.
All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source:
Is it time to see my doctor about my yeast infections?
Minor Ailments
Did you know that your yeast infection may not be a yeast infection at all? There are many reasons for vaginal irritation, anywhere from allergies and bacteria to chemical causes. The irritation you're experiencing may be due to yeast again, but it also may not. Here are a few situations in which you should visit your doctor to be sure.
The infection keeps coming back. If your last infection was less than 2 months ago, or if you have had 4 or more infections in the last year, see your doctor. Frequent yeast infections can be a sign of an underlying health problem or ineffective self-treatment. Your doctor can help uncover the cause and find a treatment that works.
The treatment you tried isn't working. Even though you checked to make sure that you used your last treatment exactly as recommended, it may just not be the right one for your infection. You may have a resistant infection, or you may be infected with a type of yeast for which the medication you tried was not effective. Your doctor can help you find out why the treatment didn't work, and can recommend one that will.
You're pregnant or breast-feeding. Your doctor can help you choose a treatment option that is effective for you and safe for your baby.
You're having other symptoms or are not sure if it's a yeast infection. If you have a fever, pelvic pain, or a smelly or coloured discharge, see your doctor. These are signs that you may have a different type of infection. Yeast infection treatments will not work for infections that aren't caused by yeast. It's important to see your doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment if you have other symptoms.
You have diabetes or other health conditions. If you have diabetes or other health conditions, especially conditions that affect your immune system, see your doctor. Frequent yeast infections may be a sign that your condition is not well-controlled. You may require a different treatment.
If any of these situations applies to you, see your doctor. Ask your doctor for a treatment that will treat all types of yeast. Getting a proper diagnosis is important. Many women think they have a yeast infection when, in fact, they have another health condition. Sexually transmitted infections (also known by the older term "STDs") often mimic the symptoms of yeast infections, and can be harmful if left untreated. Plus, a proper diagnosis will help pinpoint the cause of your frequent infections and make it easier to get rid of them for good!
All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source:
Getting rid of the yeast infection for good!
Minor Ailments
Do your yeast infections keep coming back? Have you tried to treat them but it didn't work? Have you had more than four yeast infections in the last year? If so, don't try to fight the infections alone! Ask your doctor for help.
Your doctor can help you get rid of stubborn or frequent yeast infections. The first step is to get a proper diagnosis. This is important because what you think is a yeast infection may, in fact, be something else, requiring a different treatment. Some studies showed that over half of women with vaginal irritation misdiagnosed themselves! Or, you might be infected with a particularly stubborn yeast that requires stronger treatment. To diagnose your infection, the doctor will do a physical examination and take a sample of your discharge. Your doctor will also need to know about any medications you may be taking and any health conditions you may have, as these may be increasing your risk of yeast infections.
If your doctor confirms that your current symptoms are due to a yeast infection, the doctor will recommend a medication to get rid of the infection. If you have been having frequent infections, your doctor may recommend that you follow a "maintenance treatment" to prevent the infections from coming back.
Maintenance treatment involves using a yeast infection medication regularly for up to 6 months. Some treatments are taken daily, while others are taken twice weekly, weekly, or even monthly. The maintenance treatment can cut your risk of another infection in half. If you continue to suffer from frequent yeast infections after you stop the maintenance treatment, your doctor may recommend you take the medication for a longer period of time, usually up to 12 months.
If you have frequent yeast infections it is important to become an active participant in your own health and well-being. Treatments vary based on medication, frequency and duration of treatment. It’s important to find a plan that will work best for you.
If you've had "one too many" yeast infections this year, make an appointment and talk to your doctor about what you can do. Whether you have a resistant strain of yeast or have several risk factors, your doctor can help you get a treatment that's right for you. If you are suffering from frequent infections, it may be caused by a type of yeast that is tougher to treat. Ask your doctor about whether there is a treatment that will cover a broader range of yeasts.
All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source:
Finally my yeast infection is gone. What can I do to keep it that way?
Minor Ailments
Finally, your latest yeast infection is gone! If you've been suffering from frequent yeast infections, you may be wondering what you can do to avoid them in the future. There are many ways to prevent yeast infections.
Find the right medication for you. If you've been having more than 4 yeast infections in the last year, your doctor may recommend that you take yeast infection medication regularly for 6 months to prevent the infections from coming back. Depending on the medication used, the treatment may be given daily, weekly, every 2 weeks, or monthly. This should only be done under the supervision of your doctor.
When talking to your doctor, it's important to remember that different medications are available to meet different needs. For example, if you are concerned about taking a pill by mouth, vaginal products are available.
Keep other health conditions under control. Frequent yeast infections may be a sign of an underlying health problem such as diabetes. If you have a health condition and are also troubled by yeast infections, see your doctor. The doctor can investigate whether your health condition may be increasing your risk of yeast infections and help you control it. Better control of certain health conditions, such as diabetes and immune system problems, can help decrease your chances of having another yeast infection.
Keep clean, dry, and comfortable. Vaginal deodorants, sprays, harsh cleansers, douches, and perfumed soaps can irritate the area, making it more prone to infection. Avoid using these products. Plain soap and water will do just fine. After using the bathroom, wipe from front to back to avoid contaminating the vaginal area with fecal bacteria. Wear clothing that is not tight in the crotch, and choose cotton (or cotton-crotch) underwear instead of synthetic. Dry your vaginal area thoroughly after bathing or showering. Taking these steps will allow the vaginal area to breathe and keep out the heat and moisture that can increase the risk of yeast infection
Eat a yogurt every day. Studies have shown that eating 240 mL (about one cup) of yogurt per day can reduce your risk of yeast infections. But not just any yogurt - be sure to choose one that has the active bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus, sometimes referred to as probiotic yogurt. More studies are needed to prove the effective use of yogurt for yeast infections. If you are prescribed an antibiotic, speak to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk of developing a yeast infection and about using over-the-counter probiotics.
If you take these steps and still find that you're having trouble with yeast infections, see your doctor for help. You don't have to suffer from frequent yeast infections. Effective treatments are available. Next time you have a yeast infection, make an appointment and see your doctor rather than treating it yourself. Your doctor can help you find out why you are having frequent infections and can help you find an effective treatment that is right for you.
All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2025. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: