Understanding Goal-Setting Theory


Goal-setting theory is a psychological concept that states setting clear, challenging goals can boost motivation and performance. This theory is useful because it provides a practical way to improve performance and achieve your objectives.

The researchers who developed goal-setting theory believe that there are 5 principles involved in setting successful and motivating goals:

  1. Clarity: Defining your goals so that they're as clear as possible is the first step to success. Your goals should be specific and measurable. For example, if you're looking to improve your diet, a clear goal could be including at least one plant-based protein option (like tofu or legumes) everyday.
  2. Challenge: A goal that's difficult but not impossible to achieve is the sweet spot for sustaining motivation. Reward yourself along the way to help get through tough patches.
  3. Commitment: When creating your goals, ask yourself whether they're truly achievable and feasible for you to commit to. If you're working towards a goal you've already set, visualize in your mind how your life will look after achieving it.
  4. Feedback: Reaching your goal is a marathon, not a sprint. Along the way, it's important to self-reflect: are you on track? What has and hasn't worked? Check in with yourself at least once a week to make achieving your goals a reality.
  5. Complexity: Challenging goals are double-edged swords; while they're more likely to be motivated, a goal that's too difficult can overwhelm you. Break down complex goals into smaller sub-goals that are easier to achieve, and reassess your deadlines as needed.

The shorter days and reduced sunlight during the winter months can trigger low mood and fatigue, so it's normal to struggle with your health goals in these times. But with the right mindset, clear goals, and a commitment to take consistent steps, you can harness the power of goal-setting theory to drive you towards your health goals, no matter the circumstances.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2024. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/Staying-Motivated-to-Achieve-your-Goals

Getting Back on Track with Health Connected


You may already have used goal-setting theory in some way as part of setting your health goals. Still, making full use of these 5 principles can feel daunting at times. As your partner in wellness, Health Connected can help you to use goal-setting theory to its full extent.

  • Coaching: Are you looking to get better sleep at night? Or perhaps you're looking to manage your stress more effectively. Digital Health Coach offers many tips to help you break down your health goals into feasible and specific actions. Checking in daily helps you to monitor your progress and provides opportunities for self-reflection. Find additional information about the actions to stay on track or edit your plan to explore new ways to achieve your goal.
  • Challenges: If you're working on getting your steps in, Health Connected challenges will make your journey a breeze! Virtual adventures enable you to set personalized activity-based goals, regardless of your age or current fitness level. You may also choose to connect a wearable device like Fitbit or Garmin to log your activity seamlessly throughout the challenge. By earning badges and discovering landmarks along the way, you'll be able to stay committed and visualize all the progress you've made.

Remember, personal growth comes from overcoming challenges. View setbacks as opportunities to become stronger, more resilient, and more committed to achieving your health and wellness goals.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2024. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: www.medbroadcast.com/healthfeature/gethealthfeature/Staying-Motivated-to-Achieve-your-Goals