• The use of specific biofeedback began in the 1960s with the introduction of the EEG (electroencephalogram) to teach relaxation. However, the principles of biofeedback date back more than half a century. Beginning as an interesting phenomenon, it developed into a well-established treatment for a variety of medical problems.

  • When you feel stress, your body reacts by initiating a number of responses, including raising your blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rates, and initiating muscle contraction. This is called the fight or flight reaction, and it is potentially damaging to the body if the body has to maintain this state for prolonged periods of time.

  • Learn more about guided imagery, a meditative technique meant to focus the mind on a health goal.

  • Get the basics of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

  • Learn more about relaxation therapy, a wide-ranging approach to complementary care with the aim of relieving tension.

  • How does stress affect the body? Changes, such as increased blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate, and contraction of muscles, occur in the body when it is under stress. This is commonly referred to as the stress response or fight or flight reaction, and is a healthy, normal reaction. However, when the stress response continues unchecked, these changes become detrimental, eventually leading to chronic and sustained stress resulting in a variety of illnesses or chronic pain.

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